BC students (PC years 35 and 36) at RaceRocks, taken by Mark Kelsey. Spring 2010.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Reflections in the Water

Don't ask me where that title came from.  It just came out.   I think it has to do with having spent this project week on the other side of the country, and finding parts of myself and Canada here too.  It has been a whirlwind trip of visiting universities and while I am still not sure where my place will be, I have met so many wonderful people and had some time to reflect with one of my dear second years and visualize my coming future.

It is a scary thing leaving.  It is an exciting thing leaving.  Sometimes people ask me how Pearson has changed me. I can't really tell yet, to be honest.  I'm more sensitive.  More aware.  I care more about things that are important to me.  I defend people more.  The news is personal.  I appreciate food and homes more.  I appreciate my family more.  I can take care of myself better.  I realized I like going to bed early.  I can make friends with pretty much anyone.  I love the sound of Spanish.  I can identify languages and understand accents better. I don't know.  I think in general, I'm just better.  I hope I am.  I'm a bit more serious sometimes.  I have to continually remind myself to appreciate the small things. I question things a lot.  I can be impatient.  I'm still a messy eater.  I don't know.

Self indulgence aside, the next steps are shaky for a lot of us.  For anyone who has transitioned from high school to university (or transitioned at all), you know it requires an adjustment period.  One second year called it, "entering the void."  A temporary darkness.  When deciding where to go, what's important?  Is it proximity to home?  Reputation?  Small classes?  Good courses?  To be completely honest I'm a bit tired of all this.  I'm waiting to go somewhere and finally breathe a sigh of relief.  Something intangible, some kind of knowing.  Anyone got any advice?

Besides this, coming back to Pearson is always a beautiful thought. I can't wait to jump in peoples' arms.  I can't wait to be together again.  It's always lovely to be at home, especially my own, and Pearson is a fleeting glimpse of something extraordinary.  Something that lasts but a moment, but leaves imprints on your soul, something that sends ripples across the ocean.

1 comment:

  1. You'll make it :)
    There are so many factors that you have to take into account that it seems like it's impossible to make the right decision, but I don't really think there is just one place where you will be happy. Its not the place what matters the most, but what you carry in yourself, how you are. If you want to make the most of it, opportunities are endless everywhere!
    I'm not saying it's an easy decision, nor you should not think about it carefully, but once you decide it, just know that it will be the best place in the world :)
    By the way, I did not introduce myself! I'm a Lidia, a girl from Barcelona, studying IB in Oslo and applying for UWC for first time. Well, that's not quite who I am, but as I don't fit into a comment... let's left it that way :P
    Good look! (And keep stress as far as you can!)
