BC students (PC years 35 and 36) at RaceRocks, taken by Mark Kelsey. Spring 2010.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Impressions

We drove down the picturesque driveway. My heart was pounding and we saw three adults. Kimberely said, "Be prepared for the swarming." Swarming? What swarming?!

I walked down the pathway holding my Mom's hand and all of a sudden a body slammed into mine. I looked up and it was the lovely face of Alistair (a Pearson student I knew before I applied) and about a second later there were about 30 people instanteously giving me hugs. Hugs and kisses and hand shakes and beautiful faces. That was my first impression of Pearson.

These last few days have been more than incredible....better than I could have imagined and I'm not just saying that. Here are some of the highlights:

- I am in McLaughlin House, which is better known as McL. My roommates are Techi from Uruguay, Lee Qi from Singapore, and Daphine from Uganda...they're all very sweet. Our room is cozy.

- Wrote tests the second day (aptitude...)

- There are 10 rooms (co-ed) with four people in each room

- The food is surprisingly good

- I lay on my back on the floating docks with friends. Then I talked for hours

- The spiritual center is absolutely stunning

- Tribal Olympics (ropes and capture the flag - I got a stinging nettle allergic reaction but it was so much fun)

- Huddled together under the stars at the top of a huge hill at the Observatory. Watched the moon pass in and out of floaty clouds

- BBQ on the beach...some crazies decided to jump in.

- Listened to some incredibly boring Foodsafe, even though I already had certification

- and met some of the brightest and most captivating people

A taste of some beautiful friends I met:

- Timo is from Estonia and Finland. He is the national champion for swimming, and he is SO fabulous. We took these jumping photos and he is my adopted second year. He is also the leader for the international dance activity.

- Eric cannot dance. But he is from Chestermere and he is a FIRE LEADER at the College. He is a improvisational trombone player....and a lifeguard.

- Nadine from Switzerland is a bundle of joy! So full of life and so bubbly... and she is my beloved neighbour

- Abdulla is my incredible buddy from Iraq. He is very kind and holds all the doors open for me! He is the FIRE CHIEF!

- So many other wonderfuls...Aly, Savita, Techi, Lee Qi, Erik from Saskathewan, Colin from Kentucky (who doesn't have a southern accent), Logan from California, Ashley who is Ms. Teen Bahamas and is gorgeous and TALL!....and many many more.

My courses:

- Social and Cultural Anthropology
- History
- English
- French
- Math Studies
- Marine Science
- Theory of Knowledge

It's beautiful here. There are trails leading everywhere (they house bears and cougars too, apparently)....and we can go biking, swimming, diving, kayaking, skipping, dancing, sailing, running, and a billion others. Mostly I like to just sit and hang out in rooms and talk.

Yesterday we had Regional Dinners, so everyone from North America hung out and I had some deep philosophical discussions about everything from the word "anachronism" and the Queen....to the confusion and complexity of Pearson relationships.

Tomorrow I'm going camping with my lovely house - McLaughlin. Or better known as McL.
"McL....What the hell, what the hell....McL - WHO WANTS A PIECE OF THIS -...McL what the hell, what the hell....?"

All my love and peace and faith and everything wonderful,


PS: I'm going to write a post of all the reasons why I decided to come to Pearson, just so I never forget.

PPS: photos to come!

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