BC students (PC years 35 and 36) at RaceRocks, taken by Mark Kelsey. Spring 2010.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

What I Will Miss

In a bit of a nostalgic/emo mood, so here are some musings on what I most appreciate about being here, and what I think I will miss....

**Note:  As I discussed with two dear friends today, Pearson has this weird effect of "decreasing our native language" so I've found recently that my sentence structure and grammar has been strangely off - please excuse any awkward phrasing/inappropriate structure, and lack of proper grammatical procedure.  Perhaps this is all some early sign of grief.  Haha.

Okay here goes:

1.  The ability to see so many people I love every day, all within a 7 minute walking radius.  Doesn't get much better than that.

2. The spontaneity.  The hugs, the random walks, the trips to town, going to Matheson, riding bikes, going to My Chosen, watching a movie.  I love the way adventures are created on the spur of the moment.

3.  Deep conversations and connections, often on Saturday mornings in the caf.

4.  The nature.  The bay.  The trees. The forest. The green. The animals. 

5. The freedom. 

6.  My bed and the window looking out.

7.  Power outages.  And other unexpected occurances

8. The hugs, kisses, and cuddles that are just part of daily life

9. Tea time

10. Saturday night events

11. Dance practices

12. Roommates from 3 continents.

13. Being on the galloping goose.

14. The small class sizes and the incredible teachers.

15.  Knowing everyone you see and being insanely curious when someone new is on campus

16. The acceptance, understanding and celebration of diversity.

17.  The art building. The spiritual center.  The hammock.  The docks.

18.  The colour of the bay when there isn't an algae bloom.  (Deep aquamarine/teal/turquoise).

19. Naps.

20.  All the amazing music that is shared.

I think that's good for now...

Goodnight dear readers,

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