BC students (PC years 35 and 36) at RaceRocks, taken by Mark Kelsey. Spring 2010.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Embarking - The Intro

Where to start? Because as Semisonic says in their beautiful song, "Closing Time,"

'Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end'

Well I guess everything began about 3 years to when I first heard about Pearson College. I was at a Model UN conference eating lunch and chatting with three students who were studying at Pearson. Little did I know, that conversation would set my life on a different course.

They were outspoken, humourous, and bright and from 3 very different places - Rwanda, Jordan, and Nepal. I remember them telling me, "APPLY EMMY! APPLY! It's the most amazing place! You must apply!"

That night I checked out the website (which is http://www.pearsoncollege.ca/) and the more I read, the more I fell in love. I was in awe....it sounded like the ideal school for me- a place where likeminded people from across the globe could come to learn and live together. 200 students from 100 different countries and EVERY student was on full scholarship (worth $66, 000)? The mandates of the school matched my own - understanding each other to create more peace in the world. And from that day forward, I knew I wanted to attend. Everything fell into place as the experiences I had in the following years all led me toward Pearson.

After a gruelling application and an INTENSE interview, fate came into play. This past May, the dream became reality. I received an acceptance letter to begin at Pearson Aug 31 2009. I am beyond excited!!!!

This blog is here to share the United World College experience with you, I have a feeling these next 2 years are going to be exceedingly eye-opening and amazing! I'm hoping this blog will make you feel like you're here with me along for the ride.

If you have never heard of United World Colleges (http://www.uwc.org/) this is what Nelson Mandela says about the organization:

"The striking thing about UWC is that they embrace the entire world across all divides of race, history, culture, wealth, religion, economic status and political belief: they are unique and they are conscious of their responsibilities.”
-Nelson Mandela, Honorary President


1 comment:

  1. They were outspoken, humourous, and bright and from 3 very different places - Rwanda, Jordan, and Nepal. I remember them telling me, "APPLY EMMY! APPLY! It's the most amazing place! You must apply!"

    feels good to know that one of them was a nepali...great!!!
