This is what my day consisted of today:
- a lot of sleeping
- a great international affairs speaker on marine protected affairs
- playing with toddlers, pinatas, dogs, and cats
- frolicking in the sunshine
- receiving university acceptance & scholarship
- talking to one of my favorite and trusted wisdom providers
- receiving an amazing e-mail from someone who read my blog
- recording a song for the Pearson CD from One World's fab a cappella group: THE FIGGY
- eating a ridiculous amount of ice cream and magical chocolate sauce at Seb's
- finding out I can make the fireworks this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
While I know these wonderous times do not last forever, I am grateful to say the least.
An exciting thing happened two nights ago. Pearson students got to converse with the president of a country. The incredible president of East Timor (or Timor Leste), Jose Ramos-Horta, inspired us through describing how his country is recovering and rebuilding itself after a 25 year genocide and Indonesian occupation. Timor-Leste has a shocking and tragic history, one everyone should have known about when it was happening. Please educate yourself on Timor Leste if you can. Here's wikipedia for the president: This man is a Nobel Peace Prize winner and rightly so. He champions the rights of women and is extremely charismatic, informed, and intelligent.
Our remarkable student from Timor Leste, Sonia, recently described her life during the occupation and war for independence at One World. It was a deeply moving and heart wrenching story. By bringing people like Sonia to Pearson those of us who have been lucky enough to never see the devastation and sheer destruction of genocide can learn vital lessons. May we all work together to prevent future genocides and combat ones that are happening already. I was one question away from talking with him, but simply being in his cyber presence was a blessing.
Life here has been super busy. We have an Open Day coming up for anyone in the Victoria region- April 2. Please join us for some fun! Otherwise, it's my birthday in a few weeks! :)
Lastly, I received a really sweet and kind e-mail from Georgia recently. I was shocked and so happy to hear Georgia and her family read my blog avidly and even talk about the adventures at the dinner table (!?!?!). It means a lot to me. I wish Georgia the best with her application and am sure many adventures lie ahead for her as well. Lots of love and gratitude sent your way.
If this helps even one person, I will rest and be grateful.
I would like to have a cyber-toast for forgiving ourselves, forgiving others, reaching for our heart's desires, finding our paths, and meeting teachers and guides along the way.
Rumi has many great quotes, here's one shared with by my inspiring friend Liz:
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meaness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whomever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
Jalal ad-Din Rumi
In acceptance and celebration,
pictures courtesy of:,,,
Hi Emmy!
ReplyDeleteWe don't know if you still remember us because it always takes us so long to reply, but nonetheless we always do our best to come to your blog every day.
Well, firstly, congratulations on your university acceptance!! That's really amazing!
Secondly, until now we're embarrassed to say we didn't know about Timor Leste's history, but somehow we always learn a little more when we come here. Thank you!
Millena and Natti