Lester B. Pearson United World College of the Pacific is a school of 200 students from 100 different countries. Every student is on full scholarship (worth approx $80,000CDN**) I am honoured to attend from 2009-2011. ** the above information was accurate at the time of publishing (2009), however Pearson has introduced new policies and continues to change and adapt to current circumstances. To learn more, please visit www.pearsoncollege.ca and/or www.uwc.org

BC students (PC years 35 and 36) at RaceRocks, taken by Mark Kelsey. Spring 2010.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Birthday Mania
Here's a brief timeline:
midnight - woken up by the brilliant BCers for a bowling bonanza
afternoon - walk to Matheson Lake & have picnic with friends
dinner - close friends surprise me with fancy dinner in the caf
after dinner - find ENORMOUS AMAZING fruit basket from my family, call home
8pm - everyone visits and shares fruit
10pm - I'm getting ready to go to bed when Sune comes into my room and asks if I want to watch a movie. I agree....only to find out it's a ploy for a surprise party my roommates and house arranged!!!!!!!! Not only that but they all came up with beautiful inspiring words to share with me.
Three cakes, lots of hugs and kisses, and lots of happiness after...I reflected on a wonderful day.
I have pictures of the amazing fruit basket and the bowling bonanza. I will post them soon.
Thank you so much everyone again.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Negative and Positive

If anyone knows me, I think I'm a bit of an over-optimist. Maybe you can tell. I am a firm believer in positive thought, positive self-image, and positive language. It was a major struggle for me in the past to deal with constant negativity and apathy. Hitting brick walls feels familiar. Bang. Bang. Bang. I've realized I can't make people happy, and I shouldn't really try. All I can do is control my own behavior.
Anyways, last night at the house meeting (forgive me if you're from my house) I brought up an issue that I had felt very strongly about. Pearson College is most definitely a very academic place. Whenever you have the IB, dilligence and hard work is required. I'll be the first person to say that school is important. But so are other skills.
Not to start a tangent, but I came across an article the other day where the writer was saying that she spent all these years getting degrees and fell into a depression after she finished school. Yes she could write an A+ history paper but she didn't know how to pay her bills. I feel the same way. I'm perfectly content working and having a family instead of getting my PhD. That's just me, I digress.
The issue arises because a LOT of people here are planning on getting their PhDs from Harvard. And now is a particularly stressful time (exams coming up) so lately everyone is walking around complaining about how much work they have and how they's so tired from staying up all night, etc. Now if you look at the below post I have been blessed to have the opportunity to escape to my "host family." I came back to McL and in the span of 90 minutes 8 different people had complained about schoolwork. I was feeling great having finished everything and all of a sudden, like a wave of nausea I was hit with dread and worry. I started to feel stressed, even though I had nothing to be stressed about . Stress is contagious and why are we spreading it everywhere we go? Isn't more productive to just do our work instead of saying how much work we do? I don't think it does us any good. I mean, I'm totally down for venting sessions and talking to someone you trust for a good conversation. But why are so many people going around daily telling this one sentence to everyone they meet?
In the house meeting, I got cut off and people started saying that explaining their misery is therapy. Yes I understand it was a bad time to bring it up because I was speaking with stressed people. Nevertheless, I could not believe that people wanted to complain! We discussed earlier how house meetings shouldn't all be complaints (and I tried to phrase mine as a suggestion to have more compassionate speech). Maybe complaining is cathartic. But ask yourself, does it really help? By dwelling on this big pile is it going to go away? Or is it going to get bigger?
No one agrees with me, but I say STOP. Think about how your words affect other people. We don't need other people's stress on top of our own. Maybe this could be different. Maybe we could all have a supportive home where we all just tried to do as much as we could. Maybe we can approach our work with acceptance and maybe even enjoy it? I found the other day that writing my essay was actually fun. Maybe I sound like a dork and all of this is crazy.
Just PLEASE don't tell me you have so much work. We all do, and we will ALL get through this.
PS: Sorry if this is too strong.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
It's nearly midnight and I'm sitting on my comfy red couch. Who knew that after living at Pearson I would see couches as well as countries in a whole new way? List of things I now have renewed appreciation for
1)My family
2) Cooking and beautiful food
--> Livingrooms, kitchens, single person bedrooms, and couches
3) Personal Space
--> bathrooms that lock
4) Getting up in the middle of the night to eat
5) Getting up in the middle of the night/morning and realizing you don't have to be too quiet because there's no else in the room
6) Time alone....did I already say that?
7) A select few TV shows
8) Reading the local paper with my breakfast
9) Looking out of my kitchen window in the mornings
10) Driving anywhere with my mom
11) The radio dial that has more than 2 stations
12) Being separate from school (like not living and learning in the same place)
13) Lingering over my food and eating when I want
14) Walking around wearing ugly clothes. Wait I still do that on campus.
15) Just being in the place where I've lived since I was four
It has been a challenging second term. A close family member of mine has been ill for several months and is only now recovering. It is an enormous relief to see that person back and ready for life. I elected to take this weekend off and spend some time with my family, alone. It's one of the best decisions I've made. I feel recharged and renewed. I am comforted that I still feel completely at home at either place. I am so happy.
I am so happy going back to Pearson, and I am so happy coming back home. It will be hard leaving my friends in a month, but there is something so beautiful about an unconditional welcoming, arms spread wide open, and a house full of love waiting on either side.
Today was great.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
In peace,
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Dead Whale
About 2 weeks ago a dead grey whale washed up on shore at East Sooke Park, about 20 minutes away from campus. Our magnificent Marine Science teacher, Laura Verhegge, took us on a field trip to see it and learn about marine mammals up close and personal. Pearson College is one of the very few (if not the only) place in the world where Marine Science is an official IB science course (Laura developed the curriculum). It's a wonderful class full of hands on learning in this unique environment.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tango Protest
Friday, April 9, 2010
An Everyday Reflection
On Wednesday we had a village meeting - our first in a while. Often, village meetings renew my perspective on being part of this UWC network. No matter what happens, what controversy arises, what is said, I always see friends leaving arm in arm after. It is so inspiring. Kay read a beautiful reflection about how our village meetings often revolve around small things (10:30 rule, spoons in the cafeteria, new furniture) but the hope is that if we can solve these day to day issues, one day in the future we`ll be able to help solve global crises and emergencies. By recognizing our common humanity in this unique village we are developing strong ties across oceans and mountains. When I hear the news, I hear it differently. If there is a bombing in Israel or Palestine I immediately think of my friend who lives across the hallway. I want to make sure she is alright. If I am shopping in a store and pick up and item made in Nepal, I think of my Nepali friend and how he is doing. I feel a completely different connection to the world.
My friends,
Some of you will acquire wealth, some will acquire power, and some will achieve fame. Wealth, power and fames are not ends in of themselves but means to ends. If you acquire wealth, I hope you will remember that it is a gift, however hard-earned and therefore it must be shared with those less fortunate. If you acquire power, I hope you will remember that it gives you a tremendous opportunity to serve the powerless. If you achieve fame, it gives others, including the less fortunate to get to know you and seek your help.
You’ve earned on merit a special kind of education. It is my hope that what you’ve learnt about human values and human relationships in the international and multicultural environment of Pearson College will be a life long influence on your judgments and attitudes.
Pearson College has changed since I arrived here as a student in the fall of 1977. But the spirit of idealism commands the shores of Pedder Bay today as it did three decades ago.
You must never trade idealism for cynicism, and never confuse cynicism with wisdom. Cynicism corrodes, idealism strengthens. Cynicism imprisons, idealism liberates. Cynicism destroys, idealism builds.
May the idealism of Pearson College serve as a continuing source of inspiration, and spur you to build bridges of understanding throughout your lives. And wherever your paths may lead, may you always work for a better world.
Project Week Spring 2010 Photos
Enjoying our tasty food from Capers - Sam, Lara's friend from Montreal, Emma from PEI, and Lara from Montreal at Kits beach.